
What do you think of the argument that it is good that prices are determined on the margin because we would be very much the poorer if all useful goods (and services and labor) were expensive and only useless goods (and services and labor) were cheap?

I'm very antiwork and started reading into the Graeber concept of bullshit jobs too. I still feel bullshit jobs exists because they alienate us from our labor but getting skeptical about them after reading the following critique. Wanting to hear if fellow anarchists in ideology buy it or its just a right wing fallacy or has inequitable values smuggled in 'This, of course, is just the diamond-water “paradox”–why are diamonds, mere baubles, so expensive while water, a necessity of life, is so cheap?–the paradox was solved over a hundred years ago by…wait for it…can you guess?….the marginal revolution. Water is cheap and its value low because the supply of water is so large that the marginal value of water is driven down close to zero. Diamonds are expensive because the limited market supply keeps the price and marginal value high. Not much of a paradox. Note that, contra Graeber, there…

I'm very antiwork and started reading into the Graeber concept of bullshit jobs too. I still feel bullshit jobs exists because they alienate us from our labor but getting skeptical about them after reading the following critique. Wanting to hear if fellow anarchists in ideology buy it or its just a right wing fallacy or has inequitable values smuggled in

'This, of course, is just the diamond-water “paradox”–why are diamonds, mere baubles, so expensive while water, a necessity of life, is so cheap?–the paradox was solved over a hundred years ago by…wait for it…can you guess?….the marginal revolution. Water is cheap and its value low because the supply of water is so large that the marginal value of water is driven down close to zero. Diamonds are expensive because the limited market supply keeps the price and marginal value high. Not much of a paradox. Note that, contra Graeber, there is nothing special about labor in this regard or “our society.”'

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