
What does anti-work mean for you personally?

For me personally, anti-work means no more working for them. You know, the really shitty companies. If I want to work it’s because I’m working for myself. For my benefit, for well being and to build my life and live it the way I see fit. I’m honestly a hard working person but I’m so tired of giving a 80/20 cut in their favor off the countless hours spent grinding my life away to shitty people who ended up not deserving the help I gave them. I’ll never get that time, stress or mental anguish back ever again. Especially fuck like 99% of corporations. I get why hippies called you “the man”. Fuck off with your corporate mind washing bullshit. Most of us are clever enough to see through it and we just tolerate it. Not me, not anymore. You corporate fools need to wake the fuck up, I will…

For me personally, anti-work means no more working for them. You know, the really shitty companies. If I want to work it’s because I’m working for myself. For my benefit, for well being and to build my life and live it the way I see fit.

I’m honestly a hard working person but I’m so tired of giving a 80/20 cut in their favor off the countless hours spent grinding my life away to shitty people who ended up not deserving the help I gave them. I’ll never get that time, stress or mental anguish back ever again. Especially fuck like 99% of corporations. I get why hippies called you “the man”. Fuck off with your corporate mind washing bullshit. Most of us are clever enough to see through it and we just tolerate it. Not me, not anymore.

You corporate fools need to wake the fuck up, I will continue to refuse to work for you if you continue to treat me like child. I don’t need you. You need me.

I got a pretty decent job now and I work hard for them. That’s my choice, I like them and they respect me and my time. I picked my hours, was given a choice to work from home and I get paid fairly for my time spent there. I take a personal interest in my work because they take a personal interest in my well being. It’s fair.

Not everyone is this lucky and just because I found something for me doesn’t mean the fight is over. I want to help and continue to gain perspective.

We all deserve a good life so tell me, what does anti-work mean for you?

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