
What does “good” mean now anyways?

So I just started a new job three weeks ago at a shipping store (there is only a few take a guess) and I am already ready to quit. It has nothing to do with the job itself just terrible management. I am nonbinary and on the first day at the job my manager made transphobic comments. He consistently spends hours taking breaks on the clock, harasses my coworker to the point where other customers do not notice, throws people's belongings, and rips them off. I also suspect he is stealing money from the drawer because he doesn't count it everyday. I know the boss and him are close but I am tired of having to cover for this asshole. Already looking for new jobs but I can't quit because I am getting married next month. I need the money for the wedding and honeymoon. The final straw on the…

So I just started a new job three weeks ago at a shipping store (there is only a few take a guess) and I am already ready to quit. It has nothing to do with the job itself just terrible management. I am nonbinary and on the first day at the job my manager made transphobic comments. He consistently spends hours taking breaks on the clock, harasses my coworker to the point where other customers do not notice, throws people's belongings, and rips them off. I also suspect he is stealing money from the drawer because he doesn't count it everyday. I know the boss and him are close but I am tired of having to cover for this asshole. Already looking for new jobs but I can't quit because I am getting married next month. I need the money for the wedding and honeymoon.

The final straw on the camel's back for me is that I had a covid-scare this morning and I called in. My boss informed me he does not care if I come in with covid because “everyone has it”. That is so fucked up to me. We have people coming in all the time with masks who clearly do not want to catch the virus, and my boss does not care at all. I hate it here.

I left my old job because my old manager would not work with me on scheduling needs and was paying me 10.25 an hour. I am now paid 12 an hour to handle upwards of 500 boxes a day and I am so tired. I am almost done with my associates for some hope of turning my life around. Fingers crossed.

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