
What happened after the industrial revolution that made conditions better for the middle class?

I’m sure we can all agree that the industrial revolution was the most laissez-faire period in the history of the United States. Working everyday of the week in factories, horrible conditions, death wasn’t uncommon, 12 hour days etc. And as we all know, there were mega robber barons like Rockefeller that had massive influence on politicians. But my question is, what happened after the industrial revolution which created an atmosphere/economy for boomers to thrive in? Like, what caused the shift, and what made it go from being the worst time to be middle class in the US to the best time?

I’m sure we can all agree that the industrial revolution was the most laissez-faire period in the history of the United States. Working everyday of the week in factories, horrible conditions, death wasn’t uncommon, 12 hour days etc. And as we all know, there were mega robber barons like Rockefeller that had massive influence on politicians.

But my question is, what happened after the industrial revolution which created an atmosphere/economy for boomers to thrive in? Like, what caused the shift, and what made it go from being the worst time to be middle class in the US to the best time?

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