
What happens if you do not submit a letter of resignation?

I decided to leave my job because my boss has been toxic. I had health issues and when I asked to go on medical leave he basically made me sign a letter of non renewal so he wouldn’t need to pay me if I couldn’t work as usual. My health improved but my bosses behavior did not. I decided to leave the position because he kept criticizing me even though other people I worked with were happy with my performance and this was toxic. Anyways my last day is July 1st and the admin keeps asking me for a registration letter (I work for a large company). I also told my boss 6 months ago that it’s best we part ways so I gave plenty of notice. What happens if I do not submit a letter? I would have kept working there if it was not for his behavior so…

I decided to leave my job because my boss has been toxic. I had health issues and when I asked to go on medical leave he basically made me sign a letter of non renewal so he wouldn’t need to pay me if I couldn’t work as usual. My health improved but my bosses behavior did not. I decided to leave the position because he kept criticizing me even though other people I worked with were happy with my performance and this was toxic. Anyways my last day is July 1st and the admin keeps asking me for a registration letter (I work for a large company). I also told my boss 6 months ago that it’s best we part ways so I gave plenty of notice. What happens if I do not submit a letter? I would have kept working there if it was not for his behavior so I feel I was forced to leave even though I was not technically fired.

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