
What has your relationship w/ divesting from convenience culture been like?

As I've started to get deeper into antiwork thinking, I've been reevaluating my relationship with convenience culture. I feel like moving towards a world where we don't need to constantly toil to survive also means understanding that maybe I can't have everything that I want 24/7 at the click of a button. Maybe it's okay to wait for (nonessential) things. Maybe it's okay if the store I thought was going to be open closed early because it was a slow day — I was living in the rural South for much of last year and this wasn't uncommon for some shops.

As I've started to get deeper into antiwork thinking, I've been reevaluating my relationship with convenience culture. I feel like moving towards a world where we don't need to constantly toil to survive also means understanding that maybe I can't have everything that I want 24/7 at the click of a button. Maybe it's okay to wait for (nonessential) things. Maybe it's okay if the store I thought was going to be open closed early because it was a slow day — I was living in the rural South for much of last year and this wasn't uncommon for some shops.

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