
What if everyone just refused to work in communities they can’t afford to live in?

It's just a random thought that won't leave my head. Basically a cost-of-living strike: If your rich suburb doesn't have either affordable housing or higher wages for teachers, restaurant workers and store clerks, your rich suburb doesn't get any teachers, restaurant workers or store clerks. Same for high-rise zip codes. Same for anywhere. For any job that requires you to work there, but doesn't pay you enough to live there. Everyone's 40 hours of work is valuable. So is everyone's free time. No one should have to commute 10+ hours a week to get to a job because there's no affordable housing in the area where the job is. Neighborhoods are “nice” because poor people are willing to commute to work in them. So stop working in places you can't afford to live. It's better for humanity and better for the environment. We have a unique opportunity right now with…

It's just a random thought that won't leave my head.

Basically a cost-of-living strike: If your rich suburb doesn't have either affordable housing or higher wages for teachers, restaurant workers and store clerks, your rich suburb doesn't get any teachers, restaurant workers or store clerks.

Same for high-rise zip codes. Same for anywhere. For any job that requires you to work there, but doesn't pay you enough to live there.

Everyone's 40 hours of work is valuable. So is everyone's free time. No one should have to commute 10+ hours a week to get to a job because there's no affordable housing in the area where the job is.

Neighborhoods are “nice” because poor people are willing to commute to work in them.

So stop working in places you can't afford to live. It's better for humanity and better for the environment.

We have a unique opportunity right now with a shortage of workers. It's worth a shot.

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