
what is employer’s obsession with not allowing employees to drink water in front of customers?

Our superior just sent a group text telling us that from now on she doesn't want to see any of us drinking in public areas and when guests are around, that we have to do so in staff areas. I know this is pretty standard but I just don't understand why we have to go through the whole trouble of going to the staff canteen, especially when it's busy, when taking a sip of water takes 3 seconds. When we are really busy I BARELY remember or am able to spare some time to get water and I'm sure a lot of people at work have the same problem. Dehydration is dangerous and I can't believe workplaces still claim to strive for their employees' health and then do this shit.

Our superior just sent a group text telling us that from now on she doesn't want to see any of us drinking in public areas and when guests are around, that we have to do so in staff areas. I know this is pretty standard but I just don't understand why we have to go through the whole trouble of going to the staff canteen, especially when it's busy, when taking a sip of water takes 3 seconds. When we are really busy I BARELY remember or am able to spare some time to get water and I'm sure a lot of people at work have the same problem. Dehydration is dangerous and I can't believe workplaces still claim to strive for their employees' health and then do this shit.

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