
What is ‘hybrid guilt’? Going to office part-time may be worst option

Who the hell comes up with bull like this? The only guilt I feel is the one I am made to feel by the higher managment coming up with all sorts of rules for the hybrid work. In my case there isn't even enoigh seating if eceryone came into office everyday and if you are in the office they are constantly coming uo with stuff and meetings that reduce your productivity and equate to very little. The most ridiculous ones I've seen were from CEOs in Portugal saying remote (or tele working as they insist to call it) must emd because they get too distracted getring the kids from school and setring clothes to dry in work time. Seema like this CEOs have deep issues.

Who the hell comes up with bull like this?

The only guilt I feel is the one I am made to feel by the higher managment coming up with all sorts of rules for the hybrid work. In my case there isn't even enoigh seating if eceryone came into office everyday and if you are in the office they are constantly coming uo with stuff and meetings that reduce your productivity and equate to very little.

The most ridiculous ones I've seen were from CEOs in Portugal saying remote (or tele working as they insist to call it) must emd because they get too distracted getring the kids from school and setring clothes to dry in work time. Seema like this CEOs have deep issues.

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