
What is it with interviews?

Applied for a sales position at this company. Been out of the sales game for a while. Wasn’t expecting much but it went well. Got through the first two interviews. Didn’t hear anything back for four weeks. Then I get asked to come for a third and final round interview. “Sweet” I think to myself. That’s awesome. Its with the president/owner of the company. It was just down to me and one other guy. Two weeks go by and I get an email. They rejected me. Okay no big. But then I read that they rejected me on grounds of experience. Why have me come for a third interview. Get a day off from my current job all that jazz to reject me based on experience‽ If you were going to make that final call on experience alone why waste my time? That interview ended up costing me about 200…

Applied for a sales position at this company. Been out of the sales game for a while. Wasn’t expecting much but it went well. Got through the first two interviews. Didn’t hear anything back for four weeks. Then I get asked to come for a third and final round interview. “Sweet” I think to myself. That’s awesome. Its with the president/owner of the company. It was just down to me and one other guy. Two weeks go by and I get an email. They rejected me. Okay no big. But then I read that they rejected me on grounds of experience.

Why have me come for a third interview. Get a day off from my current job all that jazz to reject me based on experience‽ If you were going to make that final call on experience alone why waste my time? That interview ended up costing me about 200 bucks (lost out on OT from my current gig to make the appointment). Just really frustrating.

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