
What is it with work culture of bosses being able to disrespect you, and if you RESPECTFULLY disagree with their statements or talk back in any way, you’re looked at as a problem

Work in a small group home for individuals with mental illness Resident manager flip flops on her statements and orders for us all the damn time, which as a person with ADHD is infuriating because I'm the one blamed after. Part of job responsibilities for me working overnights is prepping meals as best as I can for the coming day shift. Sometimes we end up not getting groceries in on time. Sometimes we have a hard time finding the necessary items we need. The last time we had an issue I sent out an email to both Resident manager and operations manager letting them know. I was scolded by resident manager when she came in because “yall should've told me ahead of time so we could've got it figured out” “I sent you an email as soon as I arrived to work at 12:18” “you can't email me I sleepnthrough…

Work in a small group home for individuals with mental illness
Resident manager flip flops on her statements and orders for us all the damn time, which as a person with ADHD is infuriating because I'm the one blamed after.
Part of job responsibilities for me working overnights is prepping meals as best as I can for the coming day shift.
Sometimes we end up not getting groceries in on time. Sometimes we have a hard time finding the necessary items we need.

The last time we had an issue I sent out an email to both Resident manager and operations manager letting them know. I was scolded by resident manager when she came in because “yall should've told me ahead of time so we could've got it figured out” “I sent you an email as soon as I arrived to work at 12:18” “you can't email me I sleepnthrough it you have to call me when there's a problem”

I called the other day at 12 because I was told via email to pre prep rice. There was no rice. I was explicitly following the instruction I was given. I was then scolded for calling that early in the morning over rice and told wed handle it in the morning if its a non emergency.

I told her specifically that I was following HER instruction to not email or text about issues because she would not receive them until too late and she blew me off.

She then made a comment saying “speaking of emails, every time I send out an email you're always the first one to respond with some smart comment”

I had no clue what she was referring to until I recalled later that a few weeks prior she had sent an email to me, tagged the operations manager in it and said “medical record signatures need to be changed out tonight. (All well and good. Couldve ended that email there.) “Make sure you do them and NOT at the last possible second like before you're done with med call”.

This irked me because that particular and only instance she decided to reference had not happened in 2 months. and it happened because I was freshly pregnant with my first and had no clue why I had such exhaustion and brain fog that I could look at a book sitting in front of me and not know what to do with it. so for her to bring it up again after 3 months of not having issue with handling it , told me she was doing it as some weird power play in front of the operations manager. So I told her “the books will be completed at the appropriate time, the same way they have been completed the few months prior.”

but I got shit for that from her later? you can come out here and toss out emails about meaningless incidents that happened because I had a medical issue but I reaffirm that my duties have and will be taken care of and its being a smart-ass. I hate working with other women in the office.

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