
What is “quiet wage theft” and why it’s on the rise.

This new trend that has been going on for the past 40 years and it's only getting more popular. Experts say that corruption, monopolization and like 4 really rich dudes are the reason this trend has been getting more popular. Quiet wage theft is giving workers more work than they can complete in a normal work week, asking workers to work but not clock in, or not paying workers for unnecessary commutes. These are just some common examples, but entitled employers have lots of creative ways to steal wages quietly from workers. Workers are not helpless, they can refuse to work when they are not being paid, form a union with their fellow workers, and vote out incumbent politicians that have been corrupted.

This new trend that has been going on for the past 40 years and it's only getting more popular.

Experts say that corruption, monopolization and like 4 really rich dudes are the reason this trend has been getting more popular.

Quiet wage theft is giving workers more work than they can complete in a normal work week, asking workers to work but not clock in, or not paying workers for unnecessary commutes. These are just some common examples, but entitled employers have lots of creative ways to steal wages quietly from workers.

Workers are not helpless, they can refuse to work when they are not being paid, form a union with their fellow workers, and vote out incumbent politicians that have been corrupted.

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