
What is r/antiwork’s opinion of liberal arts education? The capitalist pressure to get “job training” and technical degrees is killing the liberal arts in colleges and universities.

They're facing relentless budget cuts. Some people studying in STEM just want to take courses related to their major and ignore the general studies requirements — I've seen comments from them saying taking history is a waste of time for them. If things keep up like this, we're going to create a generation of small-minded, hyper-specialized barbarians even among our educated classes with minimal knowledge of history, philosophy, literature etc. What say you?

They're facing relentless budget cuts. Some people studying in STEM just want to take courses related to their major and ignore the general studies requirements — I've seen comments from them saying taking history is a waste of time for them. If things keep up like this, we're going to create a generation of small-minded, hyper-specialized barbarians even among our educated classes with minimal knowledge of history, philosophy, literature etc.

What say you?

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