
What is the best way to quit without conflict?

I initially quit because i was tired of being overworked as the only closer while my coworkers either were allowed to leave or not do anything/show up at all and they never took me seriously when I requested a schedule change or at least department change. Weeks passed and they are still trying to contact me to fix my time (since I haven’t called out or showed up) because i guess they’ve figured out no one will sacrifice their mental and physical health working alone with irate customers. I figured they’d get the hint of job abandonment and ask me to turn in what they’ve given me like work phone and uniform. I am considering walking in during the morning and turning my phone into the personnel manager (who’s hardly there) since management is very passive aggressive and might try convincing me to stay or threaten to affect my future…

I initially quit because i was tired of being overworked as the only closer while my coworkers either were allowed to leave or not do anything/show up at all and they never took me seriously when I requested a schedule change or at least department change. Weeks passed and they are still trying to contact me to fix my time (since I haven’t called out or showed up) because i guess they’ve figured out no one will sacrifice their mental and physical health working alone with irate customers. I figured they’d get the hint of job abandonment and ask me to turn in what they’ve given me like work phone and uniform. I am considering walking in during the morning and turning my phone into the personnel manager (who’s hardly there) since management is very passive aggressive and might try convincing me to stay or threaten to affect my future jobs. I have a job lined up (interview tomorrow but it’s more of a “tell me about yourself and I’ll tell you what you’ll be doing when you start” instead of a “Maybe you’ll be hired, maybe not” ) and the pay is way better, as well as the accountability for coworkers. There’s also a union at my new job. Should I just find a manager and turn my items in or speak to all of them and explain why I’m leaving? I have no interest in stepping a foot in that store again after I officially quit.

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