
What is the norm right now for health benefits?

My employer tries to deflect calls for higher wages by hiding behind their health benefits and to be fair they cover me almost entirely and that makes it possible to cover the $100+ it takes to cover my spouse. But I want out of this company. I’ve been burning out and have health problems that have gotten to the point I need to take intermittent FMLA. I suggested to my supervisor twice and HR once that it might be time to put in my two weeks but they pushed for me to ask for accommodation. Now that I have FMLA I feel like they’re trying to shame me into quitting. My manager, co-workers are passive aggressive. They’re mad because I get a couple more breaks a day and can call out more if needed. I’ve had at least one co-worker whining incessantly about me to try and get me fired.…

My employer tries to deflect calls for higher wages by hiding behind their health benefits and to be fair they cover me almost entirely and that makes it possible to cover the $100+ it takes to cover my spouse.

But I want out of this company. I’ve been burning out and have health problems that have gotten to the point I need to take intermittent FMLA. I suggested to my supervisor twice and HR once that it might be time to put in my two weeks but they pushed for me to ask for accommodation.

Now that I have FMLA I feel like they’re trying to shame me into quitting. My manager, co-workers are passive aggressive. They’re mad because I get a couple more breaks a day and can call out more if needed. I’ve had at least one co-worker whining incessantly about me to try and get me fired. We had a company-wide meeting last week where CEO went over some employee surveys they made us take.

He cherry picks the most bootlicky ones that were about…people that are taking too many breaks. And how “With people like that I don’t know how the doors to the company will stay open.” “Fire the dead weight.” I feel like I’m being set-up to look like an undue hardship. I know they know they’re putting a target on my back saying this.

The problem is I’m waiting on an appointment with a specialist for one of my health issues and they only take people with private insurance and nothing else. I’ve had to wait over a year for this specialist appointment. Not seeing this doctor could effect my life expectancy. Would I even be able to find another place that would give me coverage in such a short amount of time?

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