
What is “the right way” to start a career?

I guess I'm in a similar situation today that my parents were when I was supposedly deciding what I wanted to do for a career. Mom and dad – they see the STEM meme again and again so that must be the way (I was so fortunate they helped pay my way through it). But today, I'm faced with nothing to do regarding giving a general direction to take other than the one I know. If Biden insists that college is the right thing to do I think it's the best way, even if you haven't though about starting or applying yet.

I guess I'm in a similar situation today that my parents were when I was supposedly deciding what I wanted to do for a career. Mom and dad – they see the STEM meme again and again so that must be the way (I was so fortunate they helped pay my way through it). But today, I'm faced with nothing to do regarding giving a general direction to take other than the one I know. If Biden insists that college is the right thing to do I think it's the best way, even if you haven't though about starting or applying yet.

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