
What is with the work ethic of a certain generation?

So I’m in my early 20’s, and my father is in his 40’s. He’s constantly giving me shit about the work I do, specifically regarding how many hours I do. I can personally afford to work part time, yet in his words “I’ve got all the time to fuck around”, in his mind your career should be what dominates your day. He personally chooses to work 11+ hours a day (sometimes even weekends too), I’ve tried explaining to him that it is his choice and for the time being I am comfortable and getting by with what I’m currently doing but that’s not enough for him. I constantly have to hear about how he was doing 60+ hours a week when he was my age so I should be too. He thinks the definition of a full time job only really applies if it’s anything around 50 hours and above.…

So I’m in my early 20’s, and my father is in his 40’s. He’s constantly giving me shit about the work I do, specifically regarding how many hours I do. I can personally afford to work part time, yet in his words “I’ve got all the time to fuck around”, in his mind your career should be what dominates your day.

He personally chooses to work 11+ hours a day (sometimes even weekends too), I’ve tried explaining to him that it is his choice and for the time being I am comfortable and getting by with what I’m currently doing but that’s not enough for him. I constantly have to hear about how he was doing 60+ hours a week when he was my age so I should be too.

He thinks the definition of a full time job only really applies if it’s anything around 50 hours and above. He also looks down on those that are struggling and receiving help from the government.

How do I drill into his head that I don’t want to be him?

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