
What is wrong with fast food jobs?

I don’t understand why I am picked on at every fast food job. I don’t know if it’s because of my skin color. This is like the upteenth time I’ve been bullied by a manager and had workers gang up on me. At this current job it started off with a male coworker getting angry because he wanted my attention and then he started to disrespect me and throw items at me. Then this other girl hated me because I was shy and so she forced me to work on a station too quickly and then abandoned me when I needed some help on the grill. She expected me to know everything as quick as possible. The other person working said she didn’t want to push me too quickly because not everyone is gonna learn at the same pace and I JUST LITERALLY LEARNED THAT STATION. This other girl that…

I don’t understand why I am picked on at every fast food job. I don’t know if it’s because of my skin color. This is like the upteenth time I’ve been bullied by a manager and had workers gang up on me. At this current job it started off with a male coworker getting angry because he wanted my attention and then he started to disrespect me and throw items at me. Then this other girl hated me because I was shy and so she forced me to work on a station too quickly and then abandoned me when I needed some help on the grill. She expected me to know everything as quick as possible. The other person working said she didn’t want to push me too quickly because not everyone is gonna learn at the same pace and I JUST LITERALLY LEARNED THAT STATION. This other girl that hates me expected me to know the recipes instantly and left me alone to do 24 chickens in the fryer with mutiple sides. Then when I made one mistake she goes and sneakily tells the manager. The manager then tells me I’m DOING EVERYTHING WRONG. She even made fun of the fact that I could lift a basket even though I have a condition WHERE I CAN BARLEY GAIN WEIGHT and I am in poverty so I can barley afford food. She pointed out everything wrong about me even though I was working my. Off for this ungrateful restaurant. THEY LITERALLY GET GUYS WHO WERE PERVERTS STAY AT THE JOB, but they are trying so hard to fire me. My mistake I don’t know is possibly going back to entry level jobs. Is this why I should wait on college? Is my issue entry level or fast food jobs??? Are jobs in california or LA county just unstable?

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