
What is your/was your typical Time off notification in advanced requirement where you work/worked?

I'm asking this because, where I work, they recently updated the employee handbooks. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you that it's a “everyone has to sign that you read it or quit. You can read it on your own time online” situation. So of course, everyone signs it & then has to figure out what's in it after the fact. Well, previously, we were required to notify superiors 2 weeks in advance if we needed time off (for anything really. Usually doctors appointments, but it didn't matter what it was). This was regardless if you were requesting paid leave or unpaid leave. In the new handbook, they changed that notification time to SIX (6) weeks in advance! My wife has doctor appointments probably once every month or so with an occasional several week gap (yes, she has medical issues). That's an issue because we have 3 kids…

I'm asking this because, where I work, they recently updated the employee handbooks. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you that it's a “everyone has to sign that you read it or quit. You can read it on your own time online” situation. So of course, everyone signs it & then has to figure out what's in it after the fact.

Well, previously, we were required to notify superiors 2 weeks in advance if we needed time off (for anything really. Usually doctors appointments, but it didn't matter what it was). This was regardless if you were requesting paid leave or unpaid leave.

In the new handbook, they changed that notification time to SIX (6) weeks in advance! My wife has doctor appointments probably once every month or so with an occasional several week gap (yes, she has medical issues). That's an issue because we have 3 kids (4th on the way) and zero friends/family live here (we moved here for the job $). So I have to take time off to watch the kids when she has an appointment. And when she does book appointments, they usually try to allow for the 2 week notice, even thought the doctors' offices usually think that's weird. What they don't usually do is book doctor appointments SIX weeks before they happen. At best I've maybe had a 4 week notice, but that's only happened like maybe 3-4 times ever in the past 5 years. I've NEVER known 6 weeks ahead.

Would you say 6 weeks notice sounds insane? Because it seems bonkers to me.

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