
What kind of law is this breaking?

Okay with out disclosing too much I work in childcare where in my state you must have an assistant with you unless you have a certain amount of hours of service in the industry to back up your ability to do your job alone. I have recently discovered this as of last week when my boss asked me to fill out fraudulent work dates on a new application to replace my original application that showed I had no prior experience in this field. What I learned from that is that I've been doing the job of two people alone, which already had me pissy and now my dear boss wants me to put my buns on the line with fraudulent work history so her butt is covered from disciplinary action I said no and told her I was already hired somewhere else and pursuing it and she flipped but has…

Okay with out disclosing too much I work in childcare where in my state you must have an assistant with you unless you have a certain amount of hours of service in the industry to back up your ability to do your job alone.

I have recently discovered this as of last week when my boss asked me to fill out fraudulent work dates on a new application to replace my original application that showed I had no prior experience in this field.
What I learned from that is that I've been doing the job of two people alone, which already had me pissy and now my dear boss wants me to put my buns on the line with fraudulent work history so her butt is covered from disciplinary action

I said no and told her I was already hired somewhere else and pursuing it and she flipped but has since calmed down. Today I found out she cornered one of our younger employees into doing the same thing but the younger employee is too scared to so “No” so she filled out a fraudulent application stating that she was hired 3 months ago (Instead of over 1 year ago) because employer never did a background check on her. Half of our staff was actually never background checked and have been working with children alone.

I reported everything to my state licensing regulators for childcare and they stormed my center requesting all employee files which my boss conveniently couldn't find every piece of for all employees. Half of staff was sent home because of lack of background checks. I watched her lie lie lie all while texting the state employee from the same room LOL. Once state left my boss called back every worker to finish their shift. I reported that too.

She doesn't know I'm the squeaky wheel but I want to know what happens to a childcare center that is being ran this way? I have already provided all my work history to state worker and said if they are given an application that doesn't explicitly match this it was forged.

I've been feeling like a fly on the wall in my center and in so ready to see the owner go down for all the abuse to her employees as we have all been over worked under paid and stressed the F out. Out of staff to child ratios, cutting corners and breaking laws without even knowing it because we put our faith in a bad person.

I have since read so many pdfs on my states regulations and its all amazing free knowledge that's actually been helping me to pinpoint exactly what she's doing and how to report it and protect myself.

Have any of you gone through this, any advice for someone in the middle of a crazy investigation?

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