
What kind of shitty things have your bosses done?

I’ll start. (For context, this was at a children’s musical centre and I was only working part time outside of college classes) Texting and calling me at all hours of the day (most notably 11PM, when I was already asleep) to discuss last-minute changes to the kids’ scripts and class schedules. Trying to re-negotiate my salary and schedule me to teach full-time when the omicron wave forced classes to go online, claiming that I deserved to be ‘paid less’ and be ‘more available’ without commute time cutting in. Trying to schedule me to teach more physical classes during the omicron wave even on days I had college zoom lectures and claiming that other student teachers taught while they had their zoom lectures in the background, with kids running around everywhere in a tiny classroom. Attempting to pressure me to upgrade to a newer iPhone model or buy another iPhone so…

I’ll start. (For context, this was at a children’s musical centre and I was only working part time outside of college classes)

  • Texting and calling me at all hours of the day (most notably 11PM, when I was already asleep) to discuss last-minute changes to the kids’ scripts and class schedules.

  • Trying to re-negotiate my salary and schedule me to teach full-time when the omicron wave forced classes to go online, claiming that I deserved to be ‘paid less’ and be ‘more available’ without commute time cutting in.

  • Trying to schedule me to teach more physical classes during the omicron wave even on days I had college zoom lectures and claiming that other student teachers taught while they had their zoom lectures in the background, with kids running around everywhere in a tiny classroom.

  • Attempting to pressure me to upgrade to a newer iPhone model or buy another iPhone so I could take higher quality videos of the kids to send to parents as well as have another device to play music for their scenes in the background. For the record this was never stated as a requirement in the job description and I worked at this place for two months.

  • Refusing to adhere to government crackdowns when omicron worsened and kept classes open illegally, demanding I came in to work as per usual.

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