
“What, no notice?”

I quit my job yesterday. I had an orientation at my new job in the evening, and decided I was done being scheduled 7 days a week, working 10 hour days while the manager leaves several hours early, spoken to and treated like a subhuman mule, etc.. I walk up the the store manager, hand him my resignation paper. Me:”I came in to help (employees A and B) set up for the day. I got a significantly better job offer, and this is my resignation, effective immediately.” Manager: “what, no notice?” Me: “a two week notice is a sign of respect, and a courtesy. I have received neither of these things during my time here. Take care” I don’t feel bad at all. I gave several months notice to my last job before I moved. I even helped train my replacement. But treat me like peon, and receive nothing in…

I quit my job yesterday. I had an orientation at my new job in the evening, and decided I was done being scheduled 7 days a week, working 10 hour days while the manager leaves several hours early, spoken to and treated like a subhuman mule, etc..

I walk up the the store manager, hand him my resignation paper.

Me:”I came in to help (employees A and B) set up for the day. I got a significantly better job offer, and this is my resignation, effective immediately.”

Manager: “what, no notice?”

Me: “a two week notice is a sign of respect, and a courtesy. I have received neither of these things during my time here. Take care”

I don’t feel bad at all. I gave several months notice to my last job before I moved. I even helped train my replacement. But treat me like peon, and receive nothing in return.

Edit: forgot to add, My direct supervisor is on vacation. I texted him “Heads up, I quit. Take care” then blocked his number.

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