
What Options Do I have For Dealing With A Temper Tantrum From A Boss?

After completeing my shift today, one of my superiors lashed out at me, in front of employees from another department. He raised his voice at me and demanded that I complete a task that had not been included in the work order, as,”we always do that,” which is not true. I have a had a decent relationship with him up until this point, but I am absolutely unwilling to deal with this type of behavior. I have always given 110%, and I routinely volunteer myself to complete extra tasks and pick up more hours to help them improve things. We are severly understaffed at the moment(with less than 50% of labor hours scheduled for the upcoming two weeks), with only a single pending application. The two others with whom I share my position have expressed frustration with poor management in general(though my boss has never lashed out at either of…

After completeing my shift today, one of my superiors lashed out at me, in front of employees from another department.

He raised his voice at me and demanded that I complete a task that had not been included in the work order, as,”we always do that,” which is not true.

I have a had a decent relationship with him up until this point, but I am absolutely unwilling to deal with this type of behavior. I have always given 110%, and I routinely volunteer myself to complete extra tasks and pick up more hours to help them improve things.

We are severly understaffed at the moment(with less than 50% of labor hours scheduled for the upcoming two weeks), with only a single pending application. The two others with whom I share my position have expressed frustration with poor management in general(though my boss has never lashed out at either of them to the best of my knowledge).

I am considering going to him and telling him his behavior was unacceptable, and stating that I will quit on the spot if it happens again. I am also considering inviting my coworkers, if they share my sentiment(I plan to field this to them before our next shift).

Someone suggested I contact HR, either instead of my present plan or in addition to it. I see the potential value in this, but I fear they will simply take my bosses's side and worsen the problem.

Further, this is an on campus job at a university I attend as an undergraduate. I am in good academic standing(4.0 + dean's and provost's lists) and I have another on campus internship(paid) that I just started in an unrelated position/department.

I am concerned that this individual(and possibly HR) could damage my reputation if they wanted to, and harm my chances of advancement in other areas(other on-campus jobs + internships, etc.).

Please let me know what ya'll think of my present plan of action, what options you think would be best, and share any similar experiences.

I appreciate all and any advice/support.


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