What they got in their “slack messages” today:
I just want to say that for the past 90 days, I have have tried to fully comprehend exactly what it is we do here for Zack Martin and Intuit. For the past 90 days, I also have never felt so disgusted by the actual job I work day in and day out within the same amount of time neither. One would think that any job working from home would be a piece of cake, but the amount of stress I've received from this job alone has topped anything I've ever experienced and made manual labor look as if it is a dream job in comparison.
To be forced to perform such duties for a measly $15 an hour ($13 and some change for the folks that are still underpaid at this current moment) that actually involves atleast 2 years of accountant experience just to make a difference and not ruin either someone's day or an entire company's pay for that check is not a cheap task that can be outsourced to customer service reps and IT techs that know how to talk to people. Lying to customers, “faking it til you make it”, and constantly lying to the very face of the indiviuals who actually control the companies' image, reputation, succes, etc and expecting to pull this off with about 10 whole days worth of training in total can have some of the sharpest minds feel like mushy dogshit.
If I were to tell an actual customer what we went through, I'm for certain than anyone paying for any level of this service would drop it immediately due to all the dishonesty and incompetence involved all the way at the top.
Lastly, I leave this for ANY Upper management member seeing this:
“Weak Leadership can wreck the Soundest Strategy” – Sun Tzu.