
What really grinds my gears!

Early on in the pandemic, my workplace made you stay home for 14 days if you so much as got within 100ft of a sneeze, it was paid directly. A year into it, I found out they made a separate pay code for COVID leave. Cool, thanks HR for not telling any of us. Now it's 2022, they got rid of direct pay COVID leave and are using a 3rd party insurance company for short term disability. It's complicated, annoying, and doesn't get paid out the same as my regular paycheck. Why can't companies just directly pay us when we're sick. Why carry 3rd party BS? Why use liability insurance. Just. Pay. Me. Directly. For a sick leave policy you give us. I have to jump through hoops. Oh I forgot to mention, I'm home mandated by the employee health clinic with COVID, but per CDC I no longer am…

Early on in the pandemic, my workplace made you stay home for 14 days if you so much as got within 100ft of a sneeze, it was paid directly.

A year into it, I found out they made a separate pay code for COVID leave. Cool, thanks HR for not telling any of us.

Now it's 2022, they got rid of direct pay COVID leave and are using a 3rd party insurance company for short term disability.

It's complicated, annoying, and doesn't get paid out the same as my regular paycheck.

Why can't companies just directly pay us when we're sick.

Why carry 3rd party BS? Why use liability insurance.

Just. Pay. Me. Directly. For a sick leave policy you give us.

I have to jump through hoops.

Oh I forgot to mention, I'm home mandated by the employee health clinic with COVID, but per CDC I no longer am required to isolate due to no fever and reducing/no symptoms and could easily go back to work. But they mandate I stay home for the full 10 days, and don't even have the wherewithal to just pay me sick leave as normal.

Instead I have to deal with an insurance company BS.

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