
What Replacement?

So I put in my 2 week notice last week, and my boss seemed generally okay with it (He was also on vacation and failed to mention it to anyone on his team). Today I get an email from him asking how the training of my replacement is going. My response, “You hired a replacement, who?”. No, there was no one hired… he expected me find someone to offload my entire portfolio of reports, dashboards, datasets, etc onto someone else for what I can assume is zero additional compensation. I ended up catching an earful of: this is unprofessional, you’re burning a bridge, I expected more from you… blah, blah, blah. Here’s my logic: the cycle of dumping work onto other people ends here. You want these items to keep in the rotation then hire someone to do it.

So I put in my 2 week notice last week, and my boss seemed generally okay with it (He was also on vacation and failed to mention it to anyone on his team).

Today I get an email from him asking how the training of my replacement is going. My response, “You hired a replacement, who?”.

No, there was no one hired… he expected me find someone to offload my entire portfolio of reports, dashboards, datasets, etc onto someone else for what I can assume is zero additional compensation.

I ended up catching an earful of: this is unprofessional, you’re burning a bridge, I expected more from you… blah, blah, blah.

Here’s my logic: the cycle of dumping work onto other people ends here. You want these items to keep in the rotation then hire someone to do it.

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