
What rights do I have as a part time fast food worker to ask for a raise?

I'm 19 and work in British Columbia in a fast food chain restaurant. I've been working here for over 4 years now part time, working roughly 12-24 hours a week. Minimum wage is currently $15.65, but I was told I automatically get around a 15c increase each year depending on my performance or something. I had brought up asking for a raise a few months ago to a manager, so the answers I was given aren't fresh in my mind but from what I can recall, it went something like this. Not sure what led up to the convo, but I was being told about my 15c increase due to performance, first time I'd heard of it since I started working, and I had asked if I could request a raise myself. I was told I couldnt because I already get the 15c each year. I know this is a…

I'm 19 and work in British Columbia in a fast food chain restaurant. I've been working here for over 4 years now part time, working roughly 12-24 hours a week. Minimum wage is currently $15.65, but I was told I automatically get around a 15c increase each year depending on my performance or something.

I had brought up asking for a raise a few months ago to a manager, so the answers I was given aren't fresh in my mind but from what I can recall, it went something like this.

Not sure what led up to the convo, but I was being told about my 15c increase due to performance, first time I'd heard of it since I started working, and I had asked if I could request a raise myself. I was told I couldnt because I already get the 15c each year.

I know this is a dead end job. But I have severe anxiety, and just getting this job 4 years ago was such a huge deal and I had to overcome a lot of my anxiety to successfully work here. Its not so easy to just 'get a better job that pays more'. And I can't work full time because I'm using my free time preparing to get into university. My general manager is a nice person, but I feel theres something they're not letting me know about pay raises. I can't find any decent information online either.

I'm very good at this job, a perfectionist I'd say. The last thing they'd want is to lose me, especially since we've struggled with staffing lately. I would love to quit this job, but I really dont want to deal with the crippling anxiety of a new job. The place I'm working at isnt bad at all, but its been 4 years of the same stuff over and over with low pay and I'm sick of it.

If theres any more information needed, just let me know and I'll share all I can within the boundaries of privacy.

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