
What to ask in my interview?

Hi people. I currently work for a truly wretched company that have been so sneaky with my contract and expect me to live and die for them “because I signed a contract which dictates I work to ‘business needs’”. Anyway, I’m trying to get out (only a few months in) and I have a job interview tomorrow for a company that seems a bit better and more employee focussed (at least compared to the dump I work in now). I don’t want to allow myself to be screwed over like I have with other jobs and I want to ask all the relevant questions and gather the most information I can. What things should I be asking and what should I listen out for as red flags? I know never to believe companies that say “we’re like a family here” or any other bullshit lmao. I’m aware of the pay…

Hi people. I currently work for a truly wretched company that have been so sneaky with my contract and expect me to live and die for them “because I signed a contract which dictates I work to ‘business needs’”. Anyway, I’m trying to get out (only a few months in) and I have a job interview tomorrow for a company that seems a bit better and more employee focussed (at least compared to the dump I work in now).

I don’t want to allow myself to be screwed over like I have with other jobs and I want to ask all the relevant questions and gather the most information I can. What things should I be asking and what should I listen out for as red flags? I know never to believe companies that say “we’re like a family here” or any other bullshit lmao. I’m aware of the pay and the role itself, but I really want to sus out the employee culture.

I unfortunately don’t stick up for myself that much and often just go along with whatever so I don’t upset anyone (which is how I’ve ended up at a job that feels like they can walk all over me) and I really need to get out of this so I’m treated like a decent person. Any advice is appreciated!

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