
What to do about current situation?

I’ve been at my current job right at 5 months, and I just got a very disturbing voice message from my co-worker and I’m looking for insight on how I should approach this situation. I work for a company and my branch is considered a “multi branch”, as our manager covers our branch and a branch about 20ish miles away. Because of this we work somewhat closely with the other branch and all of our work communication is lumped in with them. We have two people in my office, two people in the other office, and a branch manager, and her boss who covers multiple branches in the area. When I was hired, I was trained by the other associate in the branch who is no longer with the company as she left because of our branch manager from what little information I was given. After she left I assumed…

I’ve been at my current job right at 5 months, and I just got a very disturbing voice message from my co-worker and I’m looking for insight on how I should approach this situation.

I work for a company and my branch is considered a “multi branch”, as our manager covers our branch and a branch about 20ish miles away. Because of this we work somewhat closely with the other branch and all of our work communication is lumped in with them.

We have two people in my office, two people in the other office, and a branch manager, and her boss who covers multiple branches in the area.

When I was hired, I was trained by the other associate in the branch who is no longer with the company as she left because of our branch manager from what little information I was given. After she left I assumed all responsibilities and duties with zero assistance from my branch manager. Nobody else was in the office other than myself. This was about a month ago, and I essentially worked almost a month completely on my own, and this is someone who is still very new to the company. I had some sense of how to handle the day to day but it was chaotic. Our new area manager met with me briefly before my other associate left and said his expectation was for the branch manager to be at my branch 3 days a week. I have worked there 4 months and I’ve maybe seen my manager 5 times total! So needless to say she did not meet his expectations.

Yesterday I received word from my branch manager about some mistakes that were made by me that cost our branch some money. Nothing incredibly major or damming but I was a bit miffed to get this email the day before her last day and called my area manager to ask him about these mistakes. He advised to forward him the emails she sent and said I’ve only got one more day to work under her then I will be directly reporting to him until a new branch manager is hired. And he stated he was splitting the branches and each branch would have their own manager.

One of the people at the other branch has all but assumed the role of the branch manager position at the other location. We had a lunch today for our managers last day, and this person assuming that role asked my new associate to stop by her branch on her way back into town.

At this point the associate sends me a voice message stating that our area manager and the person at the other branch were actively looking to catch things on me, I suppose to get me in some sort of trouble. She was actively talking negatively about me to my co worker as well, and this person also has told me personally that she thinks I’d be a great fit for branch manager at our office.

TLDR: co worker at another branch is plotting against me to catch things/mistakes on me even though I was poorly trained and I think the area manager is somehow in on it as well. Do I call our HR? I need advice because I have 4 kids and do not want to lose my job.

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