
what to do after you quit? -get your former colleagues to start a union.

There is a lot of great stories here on people quitting and leaving shitty bosses or companies that treat people like crap and under pay them. Why not take some of your newfound free time and help those that remain to start or join a union? It really doesn't take much, and you'd be amazed at how quickly companies change their tone and the treatment from even just the threat of a union. Let's be honest, if unions screwed over workers, wouldn't companies encourage people to join them? Sure there are the odd cases of bad things that happen from a union, but society as a whole was boatloads better when the majority of companies had to work with unions. My 2 cents, cheers

There is a lot of great stories here on people quitting and leaving shitty bosses or companies that treat people like crap and under pay them.

Why not take some of your newfound free time and help those that remain to start or join a union? It really doesn't take much, and you'd be amazed at how quickly companies change their tone and the treatment from even just the threat of a union. Let's be honest, if unions screwed over workers, wouldn't companies encourage people to join them?

Sure there are the odd cases of bad things that happen from a union, but society as a whole was boatloads better when the majority of companies had to work with unions.

My 2 cents, cheers

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