
What to do when every job affects your health?

The current job I'm working at is laughably bad, we're getting paid $15.50/hr (which is sadly one of the highest entry level paying jobs at the moment) and still can't keep enough employees to properly operate. There's only 2 people working here at the moment, me being one of them, who are dedicated closers, up until the other week we didn't have a closing manager and just had to fend for ourselves and go to the other restaurants in the terminal if we needed a manager. (Context, I work at a “Starbucks” in an airport terminal, I use quotations bc we're not actually owned by Starbucks but hms host) We lost 7 employees in 2 weeks recently partly due to our manager behaving like an ass (which he did later apologize for but still). Needless to say those of us who remain are extremely tired and overworked. Oh and also…

The current job I'm working at is laughably bad, we're getting paid $15.50/hr (which is sadly one of the highest entry level paying jobs at the moment) and still can't keep enough employees to properly operate. There's only 2 people working here at the moment, me being one of them, who are dedicated closers, up until the other week we didn't have a closing manager and just had to fend for ourselves and go to the other restaurants in the terminal if we needed a manager.
(Context, I work at a “Starbucks” in an airport terminal, I use quotations bc we're not actually owned by Starbucks but hms host)
We lost 7 employees in 2 weeks recently partly due to our manager behaving like an ass (which he did later apologize for but still). Needless to say those of us who remain are extremely tired and overworked. Oh and also the employee parking lot is like a 3-5 minute walk to the actual store, and we have to go through tsa daily

The reason I haven't just quit yet is bc it's very difficult for me to find a job that I can actually do. The only jobs I really have experience in is in the culinary field (got most of the way through culinary school before getting wrecked by burnout around the same time COVID hit) combined with me having some physical disabilities/limitations as well as some mental health issues. I can't exactly work the restaurant/hospitality field any more bc of my health (chronic pain sucks) but no where else that I've applied has shown interest due to lack of experience and the rather large unemployment gaps in my pitiful resume.

I just don't know what to do anymore, I can't stand this job anymore but not only would I have nowhere else to go but I'd be screwing over my coworkers as well. If I thought I could qualify for disability I'd go for that but I don't think I have enough documentation for that

Tl;Dr: My current job is so bad that the increased pay is no longer worth it but I don't know where to go bc of physical and mental health issues.

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