
What to do when you know an employer you don’t work for is scummy?

I used to work for this healthcare company, and quit because I was owed 3 months worth of paychecks (long time to wait, I know, but it's a long story). As such, I have stayed in touch with some of the employees and have done some contract work for the company because of these long friendships that I value. Somehow they just always get to me… Anyway, I know that for a LONG time, like over 6 years, the owner of the company has been, in my opinion, scamming the employees. He hires quickly, often immigrants who are trying to break into the healthcare field, and then changes the scope of their job, doesn't provide the proper equipment or tools, and worst of all, not only pays just once a month, but oftentimes the payroll checks bounce. So imagine being in a new country, and finally you have just been…

I used to work for this healthcare company, and quit because I was owed 3 months worth of paychecks (long time to wait, I know, but it's a long story). As such, I have stayed in touch with some of the employees and have done some contract work for the company because of these long friendships that I value. Somehow they just always get to me…

Anyway, I know that for a LONG time, like over 6 years, the owner of the company has been, in my opinion, scamming the employees. He hires quickly, often immigrants who are trying to break into the healthcare field, and then changes the scope of their job, doesn't provide the proper equipment or tools, and worst of all, not only pays just once a month, but oftentimes the payroll checks bounce. So imagine being in a new country, and finally you have just been hired in your field, work for an entire month with no money coming in, then when payday finally comes, the check bounces, and you have to wait and wait until you get paid finally. His employees usually don't last more than a few months before they quit. He avoids their calls, often changing his phone number, and doesn't respond to emails or messages.

Sometimes the employees will go to the Labour Board (this is in Ontario, Canada), but most don't. I am almost 100% sure the Board has a file on this guy that they just keep open all the time. But it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Is there anything else that can be done to stop him somehow? There's a whole trove of other issues with him, constant “money troubles” while he lives in luxury, but he keeps getting away with not paying people.

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