
What was your “I’m glad I didn’t get that job” interview?

Mine: Landed an interview as for a middle school music teaching position in a town near me. It was a decent town known for its expansive music education program. When I accepted the interview I asked how many people would be on the interview panel so I could provide each of them a copy of my resume, sample lessons, previous student work, etc. Basically everything expected for a teacher to provide during an initial interview. I was told there would be a panel of three: the district music chair, an admin from the middle school itself, and the vocal teacher for the high school, as the HS choral program required a good MS feeder program. It all seemed completely normal. Day of the interview I showed up with 5 copies of my portfolio. One for each of the interviewers and two redundancies, just in case. After waiting for more than…


Landed an interview as for a middle school music teaching position in a town near me. It was a decent town known for its expansive music education program.

When I accepted the interview I asked how many people would be on the interview panel so I could provide each of them a copy of my resume, sample lessons, previous student work, etc. Basically everything expected for a teacher to provide during an initial interview. I was told there would be a panel of three: the district music chair, an admin from the middle school itself, and the vocal teacher for the high school, as the HS choral program required a good MS feeder program. It all seemed completely normal.

Day of the interview I showed up with 5 copies of my portfolio. One for each of the interviewers and two redundancies, just in case. After waiting for more than an hour and a half in a secretary's office I finally got called into the conference room for the interview…

The entire music staff for the district was there. Fourteen music teachers from the elementary schools, the MS and HS band directors, the HS choral director, the HS string director, the district department chair, and one asst. superintendent. I'd never been more nervous in an interview and it showed. They even asked if I brought enough copies of my portfolio… I just said, “I brought 5.” Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

Almost a decade later I'm a music teacher in another district. But I can only imagine the level of stress it must be like to work there with that degree of oversight. I've been teaching ever since and I'm leaving education 1st chance I get. If you really need to know why, just read posts on [r/antiwork]( or [r/teachers]( for 5 minutes and you'll understand why nobody should get into this career.

What disasters have you walked into?

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