
What were some of your “I see it now” moments?

I feel like even if you believe something to be a problem, when you actually live it for the first time it truly lights a fire, or crushes the soul. I think my first was realizing that my old manager at my prior lab wasn't just “trying to push me to be better” and was trying to push me to quit. I didn't see it until I had to pull out a private activity log and call out lies directly on my exit. Next was being asked if I wanted to form a union, and instinctually assuming it was a corporate set-up. Recently I learned a new term and had my third. “Manager's holiday.” As in “because we didn't want to figure out the hours situation, we've decided you will all work the day after Christmas as normal while managers stay home.” I put in leave paperwork. I am truly…

I feel like even if you believe something to be a problem, when you actually live it for the first time it truly lights a fire, or crushes the soul.
I think my first was realizing that my old manager at my prior lab wasn't just “trying to push me to be better” and was trying to push me to quit. I didn't see it until I had to pull out a private activity log and call out lies directly on my exit. Next was being asked if I wanted to form a union, and instinctually assuming it was a corporate set-up. Recently I learned a new term and had my third. “Manager's holiday.” As in “because we didn't want to figure out the hours situation, we've decided you will all work the day after Christmas as normal while managers stay home.” I put in leave paperwork. I am truly thankful my manager was one of us a month ago. He said “do the paperwork for the formality of it all, but I'll make sure there's no problem.” I don't even think they are paying holiday rates 🥲.

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