
What would you rather do?

Apologizes if I am misinterpreting the meaning of anti-work, but what I gather is that it is the goal to work as little as possible or not at all. My question is, what would you rather do? Hang out? Scroll reddit? I can understand not wanting to work a dead-end 9-5 at a shitty office job, but doing work that benefits people? Most trades do. Farming. It feels good to not do anything until the end of the day and you realize that you accomplish nothing. I'm really hoping I'm misinterpreting the point of this sub.

Apologizes if I am misinterpreting the meaning of anti-work, but what I gather is that it is the goal to work as little as possible or not at all. My question is, what would you rather do? Hang out? Scroll reddit? I can understand not wanting to work a dead-end 9-5 at a shitty office job, but doing work that benefits people? Most trades do. Farming. It feels good to not do anything until the end of the day and you realize that you accomplish nothing. I'm really hoping I'm misinterpreting the point of this sub.

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