
What’s a job that makes you feel good?

We all know that jobs are trash and the market is bullshit but let's think about all the emotionally beneficial jobs they're are for people. We talk a lot about the jobs we hate or dislike but let's talk about the ones that we could actually feel good/happy about. I've been thinking about this recently. Maybe things like amusement/theme parks (like Disney) where you're making kids and families happy and their dreams come true. Even tho things have changed with it, it's still magical to the kids and as a parent I love that. Nothing brings happiness like seeing your kid/kids happy so as someone that works those jobs, I'm sure that's an awesome job factor. What do you think?

We all know that jobs are trash and the market is bullshit but let's think about all the emotionally beneficial jobs they're are for people. We talk a lot about the jobs we hate or dislike but let's talk about the ones that we could actually feel good/happy about.

I've been thinking about this recently. Maybe things like amusement/theme parks (like Disney) where you're making kids and families happy and their dreams come true. Even tho things have changed with it, it's still magical to the kids and as a parent I love that. Nothing brings happiness like seeing your kid/kids happy so as someone that works those jobs, I'm sure that's an awesome job factor. What do you think?

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