
What’s the main thing keeping people from rising up against their oppressors?

What more do we have to lose? It kinda feels like that analogy “to boil a frog, you do not place a live frog in boiling water as it will jump out, you place a live frog in slowly heating water and it will boil to death” We are told “we live in the greatest country in the world!” But all I see is 90% of people locked into wage slavery, and 9% aspiring to be the remaining 1% Generations before us fought and many died for a living wage, and at some point I think (hope) they may have gotten it, today on average we make just enough to survive at best. Slowly, in little steps we have seen housing cost rise exponentially, wages lie stagnant, and the rich get richer. Why is it that the bank will approve crippling student loans, but decline home loans when you pay…

What more do we have to lose?

It kinda feels like that analogy “to boil a frog, you do not place a live frog in boiling water as it will jump out, you place a live frog in slowly heating water and it will boil to death”

We are told “we live in the greatest country in the world!”
But all I see is 90% of people locked into wage slavery, and 9% aspiring to be the remaining 1%

Generations before us fought and many died for a living wage, and at some point I think (hope) they may have gotten it, today on average we make just enough to survive at best. Slowly, in little steps we have seen housing cost rise exponentially, wages lie stagnant, and the rich get richer.
Why is it that the bank will approve crippling student loans, but decline home loans when you pay more in rent then on a mortgage payment?
Why is it that a single income household 2 generations ago could afford a house and 2 cars? It’s certainly not because people worked more efficiently back then, as productivity has risen alongside corporate profits, unlike wages.

Their plan is working, and I like yourself sit by and watch, feeling there is nothing I can do.

To quote a random post from this sub: America isn’t a country, it’s 3 corporations in a trench coat.
Now go, find something on r/aww to make yourself feel better, that’s all I had to say.

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