
What’s the most audacious thing a boss/ manager said to you?

For me it was when I was getting paid £8 an hour, working 40-50 hours per week at a pizza chain restaurant as a trainee chef where I was spoken to like shit everyday by the waiters and the chefs and screamed at by my manager, was absolutely exhausted and my manager decided to give me my probation meeting a month early, and said that a bunch of people there said that it feels like I ‘don’t really care’. She also expected me in the little time I had off to memorise a menu when I was literally working nearly 50 hours per week and was absolutely shattered. They said that if I hadn’t memorised the menu off by heart and knew how to do everything in the kitchen within a month they’d have to ‘reconsider my future there’, basically trying to scare me into trying harder or they’d terminate…

For me it was when I was getting paid £8 an hour, working 40-50 hours per week at a pizza chain restaurant as a trainee chef where I was spoken to like shit everyday by the waiters and the chefs and screamed at by my manager, was absolutely exhausted and my manager decided to give me my probation meeting a month early, and said that a bunch of people there said that it feels like I ‘don’t really care’.

She also expected me in the little time I had off to memorise a menu when I was literally working nearly 50 hours per week and was absolutely shattered. They said that if I hadn’t memorised the menu off by heart and knew how to do everything in the kitchen within a month they’d have to ‘reconsider my future there’, basically trying to scare me into trying harder or they’d terminate me, yet they were literally so desperate for staff they were going to the job centre to find people to hire, and the other trainee chefs would only do 1 day per week and were much more lazy and incompetent than me (no shade I don’t blame them for not wanting to do it either) but she decided to pick on me. The stuff they put up with with the other employees I don’t understand how they expected me to take them seriously.

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