
what’s the most bullshit reason you’ve ever been fired for.

I'll start i was out of state on vacation work was fucking with me. I had a trainee they wouldn't get him a log in so he used mine. I sat it up so he had people to help him. No one did I took my vacation heard something got fucked up while I was out and I was gonna be fired I laughed said no way I literally was 3 states away. End of the day hey you fucked something up last week. Me I was in another state you knew that approved it I have photos of me in that state and checkins how did I fuck something up. Your login was used by your trainee so we gotta fire you. It literally wasn't me you know this. Look man its your login you're getting fired. I have no write ups. Doesn't matter your fired. They had been…

I'll start i was out of state on vacation work was fucking with me. I had a trainee they wouldn't get him a log in so he used mine. I sat it up so he had people to help him. No one did I took my vacation heard something got fucked up while I was out and I was gonna be fired I laughed said no way I literally was 3 states away. End of the day hey you fucked something up last week. Me I was in another state you knew that approved it I have photos of me in that state and checkins how did I fuck something up. Your login was used by your trainee so we gotta fire you. It literally wasn't me you know this. Look man its your login you're getting fired. I have no write ups. Doesn't matter your fired. They had been trying to fire me over bs and made something up so they could glad I used the vacation because they didn't pay it out. I'd love to hear yalls stories though. Shitty bosses and firing stories is why I like this sub.

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