
What’s the worst work story or company experience you’ve got?

For me it was a few years back when I went over 36 hours without a break. I clocked in for my shift at 6am Thanksgiving Eve at a gas station. Someone was supposed to relieve me at 4pm and didn't show or call. The gas attendant outside went home after staying 3 hours past his shift because no one showed up to relieve him either. Being that I was the Ast. Manager I was in charge and the only one at the 24 hour location. I called everyone on the schedule and everyone ignored my calls. I called every store within miles and no one could help. I called the store manager, district manager and even the regional manager to send someone, but they were all celebrating their holidays and ignored my calls and texts. I watched the sun go up, come down, go up and come down again.…

For me it was a few years back when I went over 36 hours without a break. I clocked in for my shift at 6am Thanksgiving Eve at a gas station. Someone was supposed to relieve me at 4pm and didn't show or call. The gas attendant outside went home after staying 3 hours past his shift because no one showed up to relieve him either.

Being that I was the Ast. Manager I was in charge and the only one at the 24 hour location. I called everyone on the schedule and everyone ignored my calls. I called every store within miles and no one could help. I called the store manager, district manager and even the regional manager to send someone, but they were all celebrating their holidays and ignored my calls and texts. I watched the sun go up, come down, go up and come down again.

In my state you can't pump your own gas and because I didn't have an attendant I had to turn down every single customer for gas and get yelled at every time because it was the last gas station before a major highway. We had strict rules and told that we'd be fired if we ever closed the pumps, even if we couldn't pump gas because “it would make us look bad”. We were also told that no one at any point in time can close the store because we were a 24 hour location and anyone who did so would be fired.

1 of the part time employees finally showed up for her 4 hour shift at 7pm Thanksgiving Day. I was furious, but also so relieved I could go home and was afraid she'd leave me there if I flipped out. My fiance warmed up my Thanksgiving dinner in the microwave, rubbed my back while I practically fell asleep into my food and then went to bed.

I saw the same pattern happening a couple weeks later where no one showed up and were ignoring my calls. I took a chain and padlock out of the supply shed and chained the doors closed (they had no lock). My managers were ignoring me again so I texted them that's the registers were closed and accounted for, lights turned off, chains on the doors and where I hid the key for whomever showed up.

Almost immediately my phone started blowing up with calls from every one of my managers all the way up to the VP of sales for the entire eastern region. I ignored every single call and message. The next morning I drove passed the station and saw someone must have shown up and found out later that my manager and district manager were fired (I don't know if this was the reason). But that was the end of that.

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