
What’s this “Dr.’s note” BS I keep reading about?

Both my wife and I have been working since the early 2000's; 2 different states, several different industries, both PT and FT, not once, ever, has either one of us been asked, or told, that we need a Dr.'s note to miss work, go back to work, or receive paid sick time. 1st of all, we're adults, not children, and have always been treated as such at work, even the shittier jobs, 2nd, one of us is sick, we call in/out, and that's that. No trying to find someone to cover, no questions asked as to what's wrong….no coercion to come in anyway & if we ask to have the day count as paid sick time, it is recorded as such, as long as we have time left!

Both my wife and I have been working since the early 2000's; 2 different states, several different industries, both PT and FT, not once, ever, has either one of us been asked, or told, that we need a Dr.'s note to miss work, go back to work, or receive paid sick time.

1st of all, we're adults, not children, and have always been treated as such at work, even the shittier jobs,

2nd, one of us is sick, we call in/out, and that's that. No trying to find someone to cover, no questions asked as to what's wrong….no coercion to come in anyway & if we ask to have the day count as paid sick time, it is recorded as such, as long as we have time left!

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