
What’s up with supervisors being controlling?

Just curious if anyone else experiences this. It seems like no matter what job I have I almost always run into some higher up being a tyrant. They have a little bit of power and they want to control everything. My current job sent me an email telling me what I would be doing today, breaking down my schedule into 30 minute increments so that I never even had time for a break. When I finished early and there was no more work that needed to be done, I asked if I could go home and was told no. There was literally nothing I could have worked on, everything was finished.

Just curious if anyone else experiences this. It seems like no matter what job I have I almost always run into some higher up being a tyrant. They have a little bit of power and they want to control everything. My current job sent me an email telling me what I would be doing today, breaking down my schedule into 30 minute increments so that I never even had time for a break. When I finished early and there was no more work that needed to be done, I asked if I could go home and was told no. There was literally nothing I could have worked on, everything was finished.

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