
What’s your experience of workplace bullying?

Bullying in the workplace seems to happen all too often and as I've been a victim myself, I'd like to hear the experiences of Redditors (if you're happy to share of course). I'd be interested in knowing things like who did/is doing the bullying (manager, colleague, team leader etc), whether it's an individual or group doing it, what kind of behaviours are involved (discrimination, micromanagement, excluding etc), how it's affected you inside and outside of work and whether anything has been done to help you or prevent the bullying from recurring. If you're happy to share what sector you work in I'd also be curious about this as it could be the case that certain types of job roles have higher rates of corporate bullying than others. Here's my story: I felt victimised by my manager and a senior member of our team in a job I recently left. I…

Bullying in the workplace seems to happen all too often and as I've been a victim myself, I'd like to hear the experiences of Redditors (if you're happy to share of course).

I'd be interested in knowing things like who did/is doing the bullying (manager, colleague, team leader etc), whether it's an individual or group doing it, what kind of behaviours are involved (discrimination, micromanagement, excluding etc), how it's affected you inside and outside of work and whether anything has been done to help you or prevent the bullying from recurring. If you're happy to share what sector you work in I'd also be curious about this as it could be the case that certain types of job roles have higher rates of corporate bullying than others.

Here's my story:

I felt victimised by my manager and a senior member of our team in a job I recently left. I don't know what I ever did to them, but they seemed to be working together to create a hostile environment for me.

My manager had a reputation in the organisation for being a micromananger who had made life difficult for people who worked under her before. She would never acknowledge my achievements or areas I'd improved in; she'd only pick at negatives and emphasise them, even though these were mostly trivial and in general I felt I was performing to a good standard with the positive relationships I formed and good feedback I received from others.

The senior team member acted the same as her, bringing up the tiniest of errors and making me feel like I'd done something catastrophic despite the fact they made these errors themselves. It was also put down in a probationary report that I was unprofessional for dropping a small microphone (completely by accident) whilst out doing a filming project with the senior team member, which was demoralising as this is a mistake anybody can make. I feel that some information about me was also exaggerated deliberately and false claims were made to make me look like an inefficient worker.

There was already enough pressure to meet deadlines, and all the negativity drove me to doubting myself and taking time off work with anxiety and depression.

I am no longer in the role, but I tried my best to fight it and make others in the organisation aware of the behaviour of these vindictive people so that they don't make anyone feel like I did ever again. The workplace union also now has more evidence to add to their already existing record of this manager's unfair treatment of other employees.

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