
WhatsApp Group Work Chats (UK)

It's my understanding that they are in breach of GDPR laws and you can't be forced to join them. Currently I am having some bother with my manager over this and would appreciate some assistance on clarifying where I stand here? Can I tell them to go fuck themselves (in the politest means possible, of course) and insist they use effective workplace communication instead of just what's convenient for themselves or am I fighting a losing battle?

It's my understanding that they are in breach of GDPR laws and you can't be forced to join them. Currently I am having some bother with my manager over this and would appreciate some assistance on clarifying where I stand here?

Can I tell them to go fuck themselves (in the politest means possible, of course) and insist they use effective workplace communication instead of just what's convenient for themselves or am I fighting a losing battle?

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