
When a workplace claims they’re flexible and they’re actually not…

I did an interview for a job a month or two ago. I had a job I didn’t mind and my boss was pretty good and the flexibility was excellent, but it paid pretty low. I did the interview and flew through it. I was clear to both them and the agency that I needed flexibility otherwise it wasn’t going to work for me. They insisted that was absolutely fine and I would only need to be in the office occasionally and could work from home and work flexi time. I have disabled family members so it’s an absolute dealbreaker. I gave them a three weeks notice to me needing to leave early after starting early one day, and it’s been a huge deal. I don’t have a carer for a family member and tried to take a couple of days annual leave and got told they wouldn’t normally approve…

I did an interview for a job a month or two ago. I had a job I didn’t mind and my boss was pretty good and the flexibility was excellent, but it paid pretty low.

I did the interview and flew through it. I was clear to both them and the agency that I needed flexibility otherwise it wasn’t going to work for me. They insisted that was absolutely fine and I would only need to be in the office occasionally and could work from home and work flexi time. I have disabled family members so it’s an absolute dealbreaker.

I gave them a three weeks notice to me needing to leave early after starting early one day, and it’s been a huge deal. I don’t have a carer for a family member and tried to take a couple of days annual leave and got told they wouldn’t normally approve it because it’s too busy a time.

I’m being told it’s “unfair” to everyone else. They already talking about going in to the office 2 days a week every week…

I don’t get why they claim they’re flexible when they really aren’t. It’s just a huge waste of their time and mine… because this definitely isn’t going to work for me.

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