
When are things changing?

When I first joined this sub I joined because of curiosity but I also did so with a smug attitude in a pursue for a quick laugh out of it. “Anti work… What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? How is that even supposed to function?” I would scuff to myself. I no longer have such an attitude and quite honestly I can only thank you all for providing me with your knowledge and opinions to fix it. It's been a great journey since the start and It didn't take me a lot of time to realize there are a lot of sensible posts here and opinions just wanting better working conditions or better lives in general. Reaching my 20s i realized the world isn't as easy or as kind as uncontrolled capitalism makes it sound and looking at my parents I can only feel rage knowing what…

When I first joined this sub I joined because of curiosity but I also did so with a smug attitude in a pursue for a quick laugh out of it.

“Anti work… What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? How is that even supposed to function?” I would scuff to myself.

I no longer have such an attitude and quite honestly I can only thank you all for providing me with your knowledge and opinions to fix it. It's been a great journey since the start and It didn't take me a lot of time to realize there are a lot of sensible posts here and opinions just wanting better working conditions or better lives in general.

Reaching my 20s i realized the world isn't as easy or as kind as uncontrolled capitalism makes it sound and looking at my parents I can only feel rage knowing what they go trough at work.

My mother has worked for more than 25 years but is receiving minimum wage as a receptionist and my father even though he receives good money is sacrificing his life away with his job going as far in the summers as not having a single day off.

When i was younger i never really paid attention to such things just deeming them as “normal”.

I want better working conditions for my parents but I also want other people to not have to go trough the same traps and problems in a cycle where we work more than we actually live.

I am filled with hope when i see more and more people revolting to get their rights in place and their lives in order but honestly…

When are things changing? And what can we do to change them or to help?

How can we make humans go back to being the end of something instead of just being a means to profit?

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