
When businesses and college professors asks the “What motivates you to work”.

I’m taking a Food Service Management Class in college. The first assignment is to write a 1 to 3 page essay of what drives people to work. What i find BS is apparently there are studies that says that it’s more than just money. I firmly believe that companies and professors loves to put some biased ass responses, leaving money out of the question unless you fill it out on the “Other Reason” option (unless they leave that out too) In this Economy? i’m working to survive in this trash ass economy that we have where everything is getting more expensive, that restaurants are understaffed, customers love to complain over the dumbest things, and that apparently we need to go “Above and Beyond” so we can get a salaried pay. I’m not sure what kind of mind this professor has when it comes to it…. But what motivates me is…

I’m taking a Food Service Management Class in college. The first assignment is to write a 1 to 3 page essay of what drives people to work.

What i find BS is apparently there are studies that says that it’s more than just money.

I firmly believe that companies and professors loves to put some biased ass responses, leaving money out of the question unless you fill it out on the “Other Reason” option (unless they leave that out too)

In this Economy? i’m working to survive in this trash ass economy that we have where everything is getting more expensive, that restaurants are understaffed, customers love to complain over the dumbest things, and that apparently we need to go “Above and Beyond” so we can get a salaried pay.

I’m not sure what kind of mind this professor has when it comes to it…. But what motivates me is money my guy. Not because i like working with these people (I hate almost half of these people), that the managers motivate me (The Km is a complete a-hole when the owner is around and crybabied their way into their position), and that there is a clear path of growth in the company (completely BS because after years working at a previous job, they stiffed me and gave it to someone that worked there for 1 year, and that I TRAINED myself).

So yes professor. i do it for the money.

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