
When COVID numbers inevitably soar again, will companies return to WFH, or pretend it’s not happening?

My company is in the midst of a 6 month “trial” of 3x in office, 2 days WFH. I think it’s all but certain that COVID levels will soar with all (correct me if I’m wrong here) all major cities just said “fuck it, no more masks!” With that, do you think companies will return to WFH, until the levels come back down, and they try again? Maybe I’m a pessimist but I can see them just ignoring trends and chugging along with “in office work or GTFO” lol. This all should be said with a disclaimer that I know some of you have never had the chance to WFH due to the nature of your job, or just shitty company that didn’t believe in it. Lastly, since COVID is a deadly disease, I hope I’m wrong and numbers don’t spike, but I think it’s on its way, if not…

My company is in the midst of a 6 month “trial” of 3x in office, 2 days WFH.

I think it’s all but certain that COVID levels will soar with all (correct me if I’m wrong here) all major cities just said “fuck it, no more masks!”

With that, do you think companies will return to WFH, until the levels come back down, and they try again?

Maybe I’m a pessimist but I can see them just ignoring trends and chugging along with “in office work or GTFO” lol.

This all should be said with a disclaimer that I know some of you have never had the chance to WFH due to the nature of your job, or just shitty company that didn’t believe in it.

Lastly, since COVID is a deadly disease, I hope I’m wrong and numbers don’t spike, but I think it’s on its way, if not already beginning (re: New York State #’s already increasing steadily)

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