
when do we rise up

As an American as a worker as a human this nonsense that companies are making record profits, at the same time children are starving homeless and sick because the American government doesn't have the funds it's insane to me that people don't want anything socialized Because muh taxes. So I ask we do we all just start breaking shit because we can't take it anymore. I work an easy job no over bearing management and pretty chill customers. But I think to myself why am I here the amount of money I make in an hour isnt enough to afford lunch. The very fact people in some parts of America make 7.25 an hour and a fucking cheeseburger meal is $9.00 makes me infuriated. How can the richest nation in the world have it's people living in abject poverty. Some people in America live like they are in a war…

As an American as a worker as a human this nonsense that companies are making record profits, at the same time children are starving homeless and sick because the American government doesn't have the funds it's insane to me that people don't want anything socialized Because muh taxes.
So I ask we do we all just start breaking shit because we can't take it anymore. I work an easy job no over bearing management and pretty chill customers. But I think to myself why am I here the amount of money I make in an hour isnt enough to afford lunch. The very fact people in some parts of America make 7.25 an hour and a fucking cheeseburger meal is $9.00 makes me infuriated.
How can the richest nation in the world have it's people living in abject poverty. Some people in America live like they are in a war torn country. No fresh food for miles, no hospital for miles.
Rant over
Tldr; fuck crapitilsim

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