
When I read American stories here I want less capitalism and more socialism for them. But for myself as a European I want more capitalism, free market and less taxes and less government and Im right wing af.

My government is destroying my country and is corrupt af. The taxes are absolutely crazy and your “paycheck” is literally the same if you work like 30 hours a week or you don't work at all. A liter of gasoline is 2.7 euros and the cheapest and smallest apartments are 500€ per month. If I made 3000€ a month and didn't have to pay tax I would be super happy but 50% is tax and other non sense bullshit. I know you are gonna say oohh dont you want free healthcare are education but we could have that with way less taxes. The money is going to the government which it uses to create more “jobs” for their friends and raising their own pay. There are way too much “government officials” and way too much government over all controlling you and making sure you dont get rich and we are…

My government is destroying my country and is corrupt af. The taxes are absolutely crazy and your “paycheck” is literally the same if you work like 30 hours a week or you don't work at all. A liter of gasoline is 2.7 euros and the cheapest and smallest apartments are 500€ per month.

If I made 3000€ a month and didn't have to pay tax I would be super happy but 50% is tax and other non sense bullshit. I know you are gonna say oohh dont you want free healthcare are education but we could have that with way less taxes. The money is going to the government which it uses to create more “jobs” for their friends and raising their own pay. There are way too much “government officials” and way too much government over all controlling you and making sure you dont get rich and we are supposed to be the happiest country in the world. Fuck this place.

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